2D to 3D Effects Using the Displace Filter in PhotoShop

2D to 3D Effects Displace Filter in PhotoShop Tutorial2D to 3D Effects Using the Displace Filter in PhotoShop
A "displacement image" refers to a grayscale image that is used with the Displace Filter in PhotoShop to shift the pixels of a layer in another image. When correctly applied to the layers in both the right and left eye images of a stereo pair, a depth effect results that is often more realistic than converting an image into layers alone. An added benefit of the
technique is that fewer layers are required to achieve depth effects.
The Displace filter technique does not totally preclude creating layers, in fact, layers are still required in most circumstances. Ideally, a good stereo conversion would still consist of an image with layers to define the primary 'planes' of depth; areas where distinct overlap between elements occur. The Displacement filter is applied to the layers to create
'rounding' and enhance the depth effects. The key to successful use of the Displace filter lies in the image used for the displacement image. The displacement image is a grayscale image created with traditional PhotoShop tools (airbrush, burning, dodging, gradients etc.), and saved out as a .PSD. The Displace filter then utilizes this image when applied to the left and right images of a stereo pair. The gray values in the displacement image control the amount of pixel distortion, or shift, in the final image layers. In effect, the displacement image is a painted representation of the depth values; where black is the furthest point and white is the closest. Intermediate gray values define the ‘distance’ in-between. To better understand this principle, let's look at displacement images for some basic geometric objects created in a 3D program:
Source: www.cascade3d.org
2D to 3D Effects Using the Displace Filter in PhotoShop Ebook Pdf Download

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